5 Natural Home Remedies That Could Help With Sinusitis Symptoms

The sinuses are lined with mucous membrane. They humidify and warm the air, the mucus also filters germs and bacteria.

5 Natural Home Remedies That Might Help With Sinusitis Symptoms

The pain and inflammation caused by a sinus infection – also known as sinusitis – can be very bothersome. Here we give you  5 natural home remedies for the symptoms.

The sinuses are lined with mucous membrane. They humidify and warm the air, the mucus also filters germs and bacteria.

When we have a stuffy nose, the mucus builds up and inflammation occurs. This is how sinusitis develops. Read on for 5 natural home remedies that can provide relief.

Chronic sinusitis

There are a number of reasons for  chronic sinusitis :

  • Excessive consumption of dairy products  (cheese, milk, ice cream, yogurt, etc.)
  • Environmental allergies
  • Smoking and air pollution
  • Food allergies
  • Inflammation of the teeth
  • Fungal infection in the nasal cavity
  • Systematic Candida Albicans (Yeast Overgrowth)
  • Colds and flu symptoms

Typical allopathic treatment for inflammation of the nasal cavities or walls can be therapy with prescribed antibiotics, steroids, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In some cases, surgery is necessary. Often  people are given various drugs to treat this disease.

Even if the medication can help, the consumption of cheese, milk, ice cream and yoghurt should definitely be reduced. This way, less mucus is produced in the nasal cavity and it can clean itself.

There are also some herbal and homeopathic remedies, nasal sprays, and essential oils that help us reduce inflammation and accelerate healing.

5 Natural Home Remedies That Might Help With Sinusitis Symptoms


If you have a sinus infection, you should pay even more attention to your diet. Whole grain products, beans, lentils, lightly cooked vegetables, soups and cold-pressed oils are highly recommended.  

Avoid mucus producing foods like flour, eggs, chocolate, fried and processed foods, sugar, and dairy products. Also, drink plenty of still water.


Herbs are one of the 5 natural home spices for your soups and other dishes with ground paprika, garlic and spicy radish. These foods help break down excessive mucus production.

A great way to clean your nose is with a mix of hot radish and lemon juice.

However, you should have tissues close by when the nose starts to work. The hot radish from Japan is a paste made from wasabi that can be consumed with food and then helps us clear the nasal passages in a quick way.

Neti nasal wash

The Neti nasal rinse is a very efficient means of cleaning and clearing the nasal cavities. 

Add a small spoonful of sea salt to two cups of lukewarm water. Then pour one cup of water into the nasal irrigation container and place it at the entrance to the nasal cavity.

Then turn your head sideways and let the liquid run deep into your nose. Fill the container with the second cup, then lean on the other side. Do not tilt your head back, or the liquid will spill into your throat.

Apple Cider Vinegar

When the first symptoms of sinusitis appear, mix 1-2 small spoons of apple cider vinegar with enough water.

You can then use a spoonful of honey or stevia to sweeten the drink. Then drink this liquid three times a day for five days. The apple cider vinegar helps us clear the mucus in our nose.

Grapefruit seed extract

This extract  also has a natural antibacterial effect. Grapefruit seeds are used to combat microbes, parasites, bacteria, viruses and around 30 different fungi, as well as Candida.

We can also use a grapefruit nasal spray to treat sinus inflammation.

Many people have chronic sinusitis and often symptoms can be treated by simple dietary changes or natural remedies.

In this article we have introduced you to 5 natural home remedies to clean the nose efficiently and also to treat inflammation.

These are 5 natural home remedies. There are far more home remedies for treating sinusitis. Each person is a world of their own, and the same remedies work differently for everyone. We therefore advise you to choose the remedy that will help you best personally.

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