5 Keys To Calm Mind And Inner Peace

At first it may be difficult to control a restless mind, but this can be learned. You can turn off the noise so that negative emotions don’t dominate you.

5 keys to a calm mind and inner peace

A restless mind leaves no peace and does not allow rest. He is always worried and afraid.

Gradually such complex situations arise that we cannot find inner peace .

Many also confuse the concept of the restless mind with curiosity and productivity.

The internal energy sometimes reflects the desire to learn new things, but mostly restlessness arises from mental noise, confusion, tiredness and unhappiness.

One often hears “that  there is no worse enemy than the one created in one’s own mind”.

However, you shouldn’t put the sole responsibility on yourself, because internal stress is a combination of many things that are not easy to control.

We invite you to think about it with us in order to find peace and quiet. It’s not that difficult at all, all you need is one basic ingredient: willpower.

The restless mind and the stormy ocean of our brain

One of the most famous books on the subject, dealing  with complex situations involving mental noise and depression,  was written by Kay Jamison.

This psychiatrist from the John Hopkins University in Baltimore (USA) explains her personal experience in her interesting work.

If you are feeling as described in these lines, the following 5 recommendations can help you to find inner peace.


1. Put down unnecessary burdens

Even if you don’t see them, you drag them around with you. As soon as you become aware of the burdens that you carry with you in your mind, you will feel better.

  • Are you surrounded by people  who do not give you any good, but instead steal your energy?
  • Perhaps you attach too much importance to things that are not good for you.
  • Learn to understand that “less is more”.

2. Stop for a moment and take a deep breath, turning off the noise in your mind

The past is no longer there. You cannot change it and the future does not yet exist. Focus on the here and now because this is where you are in those moments.

  • Stop and breathe in deeply and firmly. Then exhale slowly and loudly.
  • This simple exercise will clear your mind and help you become calm.
  • When the body is feeling good, the time has come to listen to yourself.
  • Modestly ask yourself what you want, what you are looking for, what you don’t want, and what your goals are.

You should practice this exercise right after you get up every morning.


3. Build protective walls

The restless mind suffers because it is permeable. He leaves space for other people’s worries, opens the door to the egoism and self-interests of others.

When this negative energy weighs you down and mixes with your own weaknesses, you suffer greatly from it.

Build protective walls around you:

  • Distance yourself from anything that is not on your wavelength. You don’t need selfishness or false statements of interest.
  • Build walls to protect you from the storm that will disturb your calm.
  • Protect yourself from those who then don’t respect you. Forgive and then let them go.

4. Healing silence for peace

Once a day, you should take an hour or two to bathe in silence.

  • These moments of calm and inner peace allow you to meet your needs in order to relax your mind.

Because a nervous mind wandering from one black hole to another  forgets to take care of its own needs. He no longer remembers how much he is worth or how important he is.

  • Relax in the silence and heal your fears, calm your inner voice. Wrap yourself in emotions like contentment, find inner peace and balance between mind and heart.

5. Practice gratitude!

It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it!

Relax and think about the following:

  • If you feel uncomfortable about people who don’t love you, distance yourself. The solution can be simple, even if it takes a lot of courage.
  • If you are not feeling well, change your thoughts. Choose to change your life, remember that you deserve the best.
  • Thank you for small things that surround you and that you may have neglected.
  • Be grateful that you are healthy, that you have people by your side who you love and who love you.
  • Learn to show gratitude every new day. Because every day brings new opportunities and possibilities to achieve what you want.

Be happy, find balance and inner peace.

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