5 Juices That Help Against Stomach Ulcers

In addition to these juices, it is important to eat a low-fat diet and avoid foods that are difficult to digest. However, in order to completely relieve the discomfort caused by stomach ulcers, it is important to consult a doctor and determine their cause.

5 juices that help against stomach ulcers

Some natural juices contain ingredients that  can help relieve stomach ulcers. However, due to the complexity of this condition, they are not a substitute for medical treatment and should therefore only be used for milder symptoms.

Also, know that there aren’t any studies that suggest that these juices help treat stomach ulcers. However, due to the nutritional properties of their ingredients, they appear to help improve the condition of the gastric lining. Would you still like to try them out?

What are stomach ulcers?

Gastric or duodenal ulcers  are an injury or erosion in the lining of the stomach.  Although it protects itself from its own secretions, an injury to the lining of the stomach causes acids and enzymes to alter the tissue and create a hole in the wall of the duodenum.

This condition can manifest itself for a number of reasons, and its symptoms will differ depending on the area where the gastric ulcer is developing. The age of the patient also plays a role. Also, often there are no symptoms, so most people are unaware that they have a stomach ulcer.

In contrast  , duodenal ulcers cause constant pain and burning, which is why sufferers seek help. In these cases, it is important to see a doctor as treatment may vary depending on the cause.

Therefore, the doctor must first perform a series of tests in order to be able to make the exact diagnosis. Antibiotics may be required if there is an infection. In addition, doctors often prescribe drugs that block or reduce acid production.

In addition, according to the Mayo Clinic, in some cases it must also be given cytoprotectors, which protect the tissue that lines the stomach and small intestine. The latter are prescription drugs like sucralfate and misoprostol.

Juices that help relieve stomach ulcers

Juices that help treat stomach ulcers can be viewed as a treatment supplement if the doctor agrees. These drinks combine foods that have nutrients that help you recover, such as vitamins A and C, vegetable proteins, and minerals.

And, as a detailed study published in Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva shows, nutritional therapy is crucial in  reducing the time it takes to treat gastric ulcers. In particular, it is important that patients eat a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients such as:

  • zinc
  • selenium
  • Probiotics
  • Fiber
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins A, B and C.

According to the same publication, the ideal practice is to have peptic ulcer patients receive an individual diet as their nutritional needs may vary due to other factors. Still, there are some foods that are fundamentally beneficial.

Therefore, we would like to introduce you to the recipes of various natural juices below. They contain a combination of nutritious ingredients and can help against stomach ulcers and have a positive effect on your well-being.

1. Kale and celery juice can help relieve stomach ulcers

Kale is one of the nutritional foods that can help treat stomach ulcers. In addition to its fiber content, it contains vitamin C, an antioxidant that has been linked to controlling H. pylori bacteria, which are directly responsible for many gastric ulcer cases.

In animal studies, such as those published in  Medicinal Chemistry Research , this plant and its compounds were beneficial for heartburn and ulcers. While more studies are needed, kale consumption is currently considered safe and beneficial in this context.

help against stomach ulcers - kale
So far, the amount of evidence is limited, but the results suggest that cabbage juice has a positive effect on ulcers.

Kale is highly effective on various ulcers. It contains chlorophyll, fiber and antioxidants,  which promote the healing of the tissue and also cause the removal of harmful substances that accumulate in the stomach.


  • ½ kale
  • 1 piece of celery
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)


  • First, you wash the kale thoroughly and chop it up.
  • Then you wash the celery and cut it into pieces.
  • Process all ingredients in a stand mixer or blender until you have a homogeneous mixed drink.
  • Drink this juice without first pouring it through a sieve.

Note: Under no circumstances should you drink this drink on an empty stomach, as this could worsen your symptoms.

2. Potato juice

There is some evidence that drinking a little potato juice can relieve symptoms caused by ulcers (such as heartburn). However, these are effects that have not yet been proven by science. If you still want to try it, here is the recipe.


  • 1 raw potato
  • 1 tablespoon honey (15 g)


  • Wash and peel the potato and place in a juicer. Then mix the juice with a tablespoon of honey.
  • Consume a few tablespoons of this preparation.

3. Cabbage juice can help against stomach ulcers

Cabbage juice contains antioxidants that are beneficial for ulcers. A publication in the International  Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition states that it contains substances such as kaempferol, quercetin and apigenin in particular.


  • 1 white cabbage
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Wash the cabbage well and then process it together with the water in a stand mixer or blender.
  • Then whisk it for a few moments and consume it immediately after preparation.

4. Banana and papaya juice

Both banana and papaya contain fiber, which contributes to digestive health. Papaya, in particular, contains an enzyme called papain, the activity of which in the body helps relieve inflammatory digestive problems.

help against stomach ulcers - papaya and banana
Papaya contains an enzyme called papain that contributes to good digestive health.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 slice of papaya
  • 200 ml of water


  • First peel the banana and then cut it into pieces.
  • Then you cut a slice from the papaya, remove the seeds and cut the pulp into small pieces.
  • Then process all the ingredients in a stand mixer or blender to make a homogeneous mixed drink.

5. Carrot juice can also help against stomach ulcers


Alternatively, you can also prepare this carrot and celery juice, which contains vitamins A and C as well as various minerals. As we mentioned earlier, these nutrients are important in ulcer treatment.


  • 4 carrots
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)


  • Wash the carrots and celery well and then extract the juice.
  • If desired, the juice can then be diluted with a little water.

Juices that help treat stomach ulcers: what to watch out for

First and foremost, you should note that these juices should be consumed as part of a healthy, low-fat, sugar-free and irritant-free diet. In addition, they should only be viewed as a supplement. If your symptoms are severe, it’s best to see a doctor.

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