5 Exercises Against Anxiety

Taking a walk or doing sports can be very helpful in controlling anxiety.

5 exercises against fear

Exercising against anxiety  is very helpful in overcoming this negative emotional state.

Nervousness and fear are usually noticeable through restlessness, anxiety and fear. Those affected have the feeling of  losing control and of being in great danger. 

Controlling this situation is not easy, especially when you are constantly living in fear. If the anxiety state lasts longer than 6 months and gets out of control, it is said to be unnatural behavior. 

In this case only an expert can help!

In today’s post we will introduce you to various anti-anxiety exercises that can be very helpful, but you should still seek help if the situation persists! 

Symptoms of anxiety

Woman needs exercises against fear

Recognizing fear is very easy. The majority of us respond automatically. Nevertheless, we have listed the most important symptoms here, if you want to be absolutely sure:

  • Chest pain and palpitations. 
  • Dizziness and staggering
  • Nausea and discomfort in the stomach
  • Extreme sweating, hot flashes and chills
  • Feeling unable to breathe and trembling
  • Tingling sensation and numbness
  • Feeling of losing control and going crazy
  • Fear (in general, but especially of death)

Anxiety is very difficult to control, but this condition can be treated. It is important to make the correct diagnosis as early as possible and to seek medical support.

1. Exercises against anxiety: the right breathing technique

Take time for yourself every day and look for a place where nobody can disturb you. Don’t put yourself under pressure and try to relax!

  • You can lie or sit during this exercise, make yourself comfortable!
  • Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. 
  • Feel the air flowing in and out, very slowly.
  • Try to slow your breathing and bring the air into your stomach. Inhale very slowly through your nose, hold the air for a few seconds and then gradually let it out again.
  • Take your time for this exercise!

With it you can gain more control over your fear! 

2. Running

Exercises against anxiety: running

Get some fresh air and run to control the fear. You don’t have to go to the gym and you don’t need a trainer or special clothing.

If you go running first thing in the morning, you can benefit from the positive effects all day long!

  • Go for a walk every day, especially when you feel uneasy! 

3. Sports activities

Exercise is generally excellent for controlling feelings of anxiety. Not only can you burn excess calories, but you can  also release serotonin!

This hormone improves the state of mind and stabilizes mental health. In addition, you can use it to improve the quality of sleep and start the day rested the next day.

4. Dancing

Exercises against fear: dancing

Dancing promotes the release of endorphins, which can be used to control anxiety and stress in everyday life. At the same time you promote your cardiovascular health!

  • All you need is music and you can enjoy it. After that, you will feel more comfortable and more active. Dancing is great fun and has a liberating effect!
  • You can use it to fight your fears. Try something new!

5. Learn to let go of your worries

Exercise against anxiety does not have to be physical in nature. Also learn to let go of worries and fears so that they do not take control of you and your life.

Most of the problems that lead to anxiety and stress aren’t as bad as they seem. You can regain control by not taking it too seriously.

  • The more attention you pay to certain situations, the worse they get. Control your mind, you are strong!
  • You know that there is no point in fueling fear and worry. You won’t find a solution with that.
  • Try to distract yourself, keep your distance. Exercising or talking to a loved one can help you with this.

Help with an anxiety attack

When you have an anxiety attack, you usually don’t know what to do. Try to remember the following steps:

  • Try to find out what is causing your fears.
  • Find a way to get out of the situation, breathe calmly, and try some physical activity.
  • It may seem difficult at first, but gradually you will regain control of the situation and be able to react more quickly in similar states.

Cover picture kindly provided by © wikiHow.com

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