4 Things Your Partner Knows About Your Health

You yourself may not be aware of certain changes in your body, but your partner will notice them. It is very important to take this into account in order to take the necessary steps if necessary.

4 things about your health that your partner knows before you

A relationship isn’t all about joy, activities together, and the occasional disagreement. You can learn a lot about your partner through daily living together.

You notice the first wrinkles on his forehead when he doesn’t like something. You see how he turns red when something amazes him. You know exactly where to touch him to make him laugh and you know every part of his body!

One takes care of the other and both know each other perfectly. But not only when the lights are switched off!

Sometimes light is important to watch your partner, to see every bit of his skin. Because an unusual mole could be worrying.

Your partner can give you the following information about your health, among other things:

1. A strange mole on the back

Partner has mole

Living together on a daily basis makes it possible to recognize changes in the skin of the life partner. You should also watch your partner’s skin yourself!

After all, you cannot see your own back and it is very common for strange spots or pimples to appear.

Many men have excellent powers of observation and notice the slightest change.

If you burned yourself lightly on your finger while cooking, your partner may ask you diplomatically, even though you tried to hide the injury: “By the way, what happened to your finger?”

Moles or other skin changes can appear all over the body, even in places that you cannot see yourself. Therefore, it can be very helpful if your partner is watching you and can point it out. 

2. A knot that wasn’t there before

If your partner touches your chest, they can also tell if a lump has formed.

Of course, it is not necessary to have a partner to find out. You can and should check yourself regularly and also take medical check-ups!

However, your partner can help you to  detect breast cancer as early as possible if necessary! It’s called shared responsibility.

Oncologists report that many patients come to the practice who have been advised of a breast lump by their partner.

This can be very helpful for men too! Because you can also discover a lump on the testicle – the sooner, the more likely it is to heal.

Sometimes a small nodule is not given enough importance, but if your partner points it out, you should definitely plan to see a doctor!

3. Your partner snores a lot!

Woman covers her ears because man snores

Snoring isn’t quite as normal as most people think. If one of the life partners snores, the sleep of the other is also disturbed.

It could be a symptom of sleep apnea. This can increase the risk of health problems such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes!

If your partner snores, let them know because it can be a warning sign. Sleep apnea causes pauses in breathing, which can be dangerous.

If the problem persists, your partner should definitely see a doctor to find out what is causing the problem.

4. Hearing damage

Perhaps your life partner has noticed that he has had to tell you everything twice or more lately. Over time, he will come to the conclusion that you have a hearing problem and you may not have noticed it yourself.

The volume of the TV is always louder, the neighbors have already noticed this, just not you! Listen to your life partner and visit a specialist! 

They can examine you and find out what is causing the problem. Perhaps it was just too much wax buildup, but it could also be a more serious problem, such as a hearing loss.

Observe changes in your partner’s health 

Your partner can alert you of various changes that could indicate a health problem. Take into account the well-intentioned comments and get a medical examination! 

You too should observe whether there are any changes in your partner, because four eyes always see more than just two.

We ourselves often dismiss certain “ailments” as unimportant, but the partner can point out warning signs that should be examined by a doctor.

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