4 Natural Drinks That Could Be Good For Your Heart

If your doctor diagnoses you with high blood pressure, he will undoubtedly recommend that you change your lifestyle.

4 natural drinks that could be good for your heart

High blood pressure is a silent illness with serious consequences. It is therefore important to have regular preventive examinations and, if necessary, to improve your lifestyle and diet. Here we introduce you to 4 natural drinks, for example .

These 4 natural drinks could be good for your heart. Just try them out for yourself! 

1. High blood pressure, a silent enemy

high blood pressure


If your doctor diagnoses high blood pressure, he or she will no doubt recommend that you make lifestyle changes. Medication is not always necessary immediately.

Simple exercise,  diet changes,  quitting smoking, etc. can go a long way. Even if you are  prescribed medication for high blood pressure  , you should also change a number of lifestyle habits.

If the pressure that the blood exerts on the vessels with each heartbeat is too high, then high blood pressure occurs. The consequences can be very serious:

  • Dangers for the brain: high blood pressure leads to tense, narrowed arteries and consequently to circulatory disorders, which also increases the risk of a stroke.
  • Risks to the kidneys:  The aforementioned stiffness of the arteries can lead to insufficient blood flow to the kidneys and then to kidney failure. If the kidneys can no longer perform adequately, dialysis (artificial blood washing) is also necessary.
  • Risks for the heart:  If the arteries are overloaded and stiff, narrowed, it can also lead to a heart attack or other symptoms. Chronic diseases (e.g. heart failure) can also be the result.
  • Other complaints:  The arteries in the legs can become overloaded. Fatigue and an increased risk of thrombosis are also consequences of increased blood pressure. Incidentally, this can also affect vision and pancreatic health, and it can also cause headaches.

Now here are 4 natural drinks that not only taste great, but are also very healthy.

2. 4 natural drinks that are good for your heart

1. Drink made from apple and cinnamon

  • 1 green apple
  • a glass of oat milk
  • 1 teaspoon of ground Ceylon cinnamon

Apples are  highly recommended not only for general health, but also for the heart.  Among other things, they can help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

In combination with the oat milk and the cinnamon an excellent drink for a healthy breakfast is created.

Wash the apple well (organic quality!) – do not peel! – and then mix with the oat milk and cinnamon in a blender or blender.

2. Strawberry and banana drink

  • 8 strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • 3 walnuts
  • 1/2 glass of water or skimmed milk

This smoothie provides a lot of energy. The strawberries contained healthy antioxidants. Bananas are high in potassium and tryptophan and thus also promote heart health. Nuts provide valuable fatty acids – doctors recommend consuming a handful of nuts daily.

Simply process all the ingredients in a blender or blender to make a delicious smoothie.

3. Drink made from spinach, carrots and celery

beet juice
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 5 spinach leaves
  • 1 glass of water

Very healthy for lunch and dinner. This vegetable juice is delicious and also very healthy. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for your heart and keep your arteries elastic and healthy.

Make sure to wash the vegetables well, then add everything to the blender with a glass of water.

4. Drink made from orange, kiwi and banana

  • Juice from an orange
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1/2 glass of water
  • 1 medium pear

The combination of orange, kiwi and pear  not only tastes great, it is also perfect for lowering blood pressure. We recommend drinking this drink with breakfast three times a week.

It should then  always be freshly prepared. First press the oranges and then process all the ingredients in a blender or blender to make a smoothie.

Now you know 4 natural drinks that you can use to improve your health. You should of course also pay attention to a healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and water and also  little salt.

Getting enough exercise is also very important in order to regain control of blood pressure.

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