3 Quick Natural Remedies For Inflammation

In this article we will tell you which natural remedies for inflammation are available and how you can use them to relieve swelling and inflammation.

3 quick natural remedies for inflammation

Inflammation occurs very often, it can arise for a short time due to a bruise, infection or wrong movement or it can become chronic. This can lead to reddening of the skin and pain. It’s good that there are  natural remedies for inflammation.

In this post we will tell you which natural remedies for inflammation are available and how you can use them to relieve swelling and inflammation.

What is inflammation?

Natural remedies for inflammation and swelling

A pathogen, irritation, or bruise can cause inflammation. This is a protection mechanism  in the  redness, swelling, pain, increased temperature  and other symptoms may occur.

In some medical therapies, inflammation is therefore assigned to the element fire. However, when the inflammation is chronic, other symptoms may appear. Often there is no swelling here and the affected areas are colder than the rest of the body.

This post is about inflammation associated with heat, redness, swelling, and pain. And of course, which natural remedies for inflammation are available.

When are the natural remedies for inflammation used?

  • After a bruise with no open wounds.
  • For chronic inflammation, especially on the back or joints.
  • On the neck in case of swelling or throat infection.
  • In the liver area (ribs on the right side) if there is pain. Ice treatment is not recommended here, but the other two remedies can be used.
  • For swelling in the abdominal area.
What natural remedies for inflammation are there?

Ice treatment

As mentioned earlier, the inflamed area often gets hot, so this old home remedy is an easy one to find relief. However, you should n’t put  the ice directly on the skin. We recommend the following options:

  • Put on a pack of frozen vegetables.
  • Wrap a piece of ice or ice cube in a cloth.
  • Use a special gel ice pack.

The ice is put on for at least 20 minutes.

With chronic inflammation, the temperatures are usually not increased, and  the affected areas are often even cooler than the rest of the body. In this case, it is advisable to use heat treatments (hot water bottle, heating pad, etc.) that are relaxing and pleasant.

Clay and turmeric

Clay is also an ancient remedy that has been used for a long time because it is easy to use and available to everyone free of charge. However, it is now far safer to use powdered clean clay, which is available at any health food store.

Simply mix the clay with a little water and then apply the resulting paste to the affected areas.

When using clay, plastic and metal dishes or spoons should be avoided,  as the clay will otherwise lose its good properties. Instead, utensils made of glass, wood or ceramic can be used.

The clay is only removed as soon as it is dry. To further increase the anti-inflammatory effect, it is advisable to mix some turmeric into the paste. This spice also has a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Natural remedy for inflammation: turmeric

Herb compresses against inflammation

A herb compress is also an inexpensive and effective home remedy. Herb has anti-inflammatory properties and can help both internally and externally. Two to three herb leaves are needed for one wrap.

How is the cabbage wrap prepared?

  • Heat some water in a saucepan.
  • As soon as the water boils, briefly dip the cabbage leaves three times so that they become soft without boiling. Then pound with a mortar.
  • The herb is placed directly on the inflamed area and covered with a cloth or plastic film.
  • Let it work for about 30 minutes.

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