12 Natural Laxatives And Digestive Aids

To encourage bowel movement, many recommend drinking warm water on an empty stomach.

12 natural laxatives and digestive aids

Anyone who has ever suffered from constipation knows how uncomfortable it is and wants to do everything in the future to avoid it. Therefore, today we would like to introduce you to 12 possible  natural laxatives and digestive aids.

It often happens when traveling, on vacation or in an unfamiliar environment, with stress, lack of exercise and with unfamiliar food.

Often constipation can also be  relieved with  natural laxatives and digestive aids. There are supposedly some foods that can prevent and potentially fix constipation:

12 natural laxatives and digestive aids


A remedy for constipation that is mentioned again and again  is always the prune.

It doesn’t matter whether you soak them in water overnight or eat them dry with a large glass of water: the effect is the same and usually occurs the next morning.

castor oil

What Grandma said could still work today! Castor oil is available in pharmacies (including capsules) and some health food stores and is said to be an excellent laxative.

One to two tablespoons of castor oil on an empty stomach set the intestines moving and ensure that the constipation will hopefully come to an end about two to four hours after ingestion.

Psyllium husks

The husks of psyllium are said to help relieve constipation in two ways. Taken with plenty of water, they swell up in the digestive tract and cause high stool volume.

It is also said that  psyllium husks support the digestive bacteria in the intestine and thus regulate digestion in a gentle way.

Aloe Vera as a natural laxative

Aloe vera

Everyone knows by now that aloe vera is good for the skin. However, it is still not well known that it can stimulate digestion.

The enzymes in aloe vera can cause more salty water to build up in the intestines, which may make bowel movements faster.

If you don’t have an aloe vera plant in your garden or don’t want to “harvest” it, you can also buy capsules with concentrated aloe vera extract in the pharmacy for this purpose.


In today’s modern diet with many industrially manufactured meals and foods, there is a lack of fiber. Dietary fiber ensures a high volume of stool and nourishes the healthy intestinal bacteria – our actual digestive organ.

A lot of fiber can be found in whole grain products, fruit and vegetables (preferably with the skin on) and legumes such as peas, beans and lentils. These are all natural laxatives and digestive aids.

Apple cider vinegar is healthy

Apple Cider Vinegar

Many claim that vinegar is an all-rounder and that it also helps prevent constipation! So you can try to  have a drink made from 0.2l apple cider vinegar diluted with water before breakfast.

In addition, you can sweeten with a little honey and so significantly improve the taste.


Flaxseed swells many times over in the digestive tract and the pressure it creates allegedly stimulates the intestinal muscles to move and to end the constipation.

Coconut oil as a natural remedy

Coconut oil

Not everyone in Germany has coconut oil in the kitchen cupboard, but some claim that it is  worth a try in the fight against constipation.

It is mostly available in Asian shops or in well-stocked large supermarkets. Please do not store too cool, it gels very quickly!


A sluggish bowel usually sits in a sluggish body. Those who move a lot rarely have constipation – and vice versa.

Grandpa’s digestive walk had good reasons!

Green tea

Green tea

The tannins contained in green tea are said to have a calming effect on some nervous intestines and can possibly regulate digestion.


As simple as it sounds, water is the first choice when it comes to relieving constipation. If you don’t drink enough, your intestines don’t have enough fluid to work optimally – the stool becomes hard and firm.

That is why two liters of water are the minimum for a sluggish bowel. If you are constipated, it can be more!



A more exotic remedy for constipation is the kiwi! Because these fruits contain a special enzyme, it is said that they may help empty the bowels better.


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