10 Tips On How To Expose A Liar

The police use different methods to uncover lies during an interrogation. To expose a liar, keep the advice in this article in mind.

10 tips on how to expose a liar

Wouldn’t it be nice to always have a portable polygraph with you so you can use it to expose liars ? Unfortunately, that’s not that easy.

What we do have, however, is our gut feeling that tells us when someone is lying. And of course our attention. Today we will show you what to look out for so that you can exposeliar 

This is how you can expose a liar

Everyone has lied before and caught others doing it. There are different types of lies, often about not hurting or protecting someone. But of course there are also people who deliberately lie that the bars bend! With the following tips you will be able to expose a liar in the future :

1. Too many words

Exposing a liar who speaks too much

Liars usually speak quickly and a lot.  They decorate their stories with many unnecessary details in order to convince the interlocutor of the truth.

This phrase is usually accompanied by exaggerated gestures and phrases such as “to be honest” or “I want to be completely honest with you”.

2. Microexpressions

Microexpressions are facial expressions that in themselves go unnoticed unless we pay attention to them. They happen in no time.

When someone lies, they can either raise their eyebrows, frown, or make repetitive movements with their lips.

3. Contradictions

When we’re telling the truth, we’re telling the same story over and over again without leaving out or changing a comma. But if you lie, you keep telling different versions, some of which can even be contradicting.

If it was raining in the first version but the sun was shining in the second, then you know something may be wrong!

4. Touch your mouth or nose

Exposing a liar by mouth or nose

This is one of the most common signs that someone is lying to you.

The liar may unconsciously touch the nose or mouth.  He’s subconsciously saying, “I’m covering my mouth for the lies I’m telling.” He may not want the others to see his lips because he is deliberately lying at this moment.

If someone compulsively grabs their nose and it has nothing to do with an allergy or cold, it may be because of an increased level of adrenaline in the veins of the nose caused by the fear or stress of lying.

5. Childish behavior

Childish behavior should also get your attention. With this, some try to tone down the lies or to arouse pity.

It may be cute for us when young children lie or play pranks, but we need to be extra careful with adults.

6. Eye movements

Unmask a liar by moving your eyes

Eye movements can also reveal a lot. The eyes are constantly moving, that’s normal. When you want to remember something, you usually look up. However, what indicates a lie is frantic eye movements from left to right.

Liars also often try to avoid eye contact with their counterpart or to concentrate on an object behind the listener.

But caution is advised even with direct eye contact. Professional liars are skilled and know that if they look you in the eye, they will be more successful.

7. Breathe

Lying triggers a certain amount of stress that can also affect breathing. This especially happens when the person feels guilty or is under pressure to talk.

It can also make it difficult for the liar to swallow his saliva or clear his throat because his mouth and throat are dry. Liars therefore often wet their lips. The chest moves up and down visibly and it is often difficult to breathe.

8. The voice

Unmask a liar by voice

Also watch out for voice changes. You can often recognize a liar by this, too. Look for a sharp tone or a shaky voice. Stuttering or mumbling can also indicate that the other person’s words are untrue.

9. Sweating

In an awkward situation, it is easier to sweat and that is exactly what happens to many liars. You’ll even work up a sweat in winter or with the air conditioning on!

Sweating is also measured by the lie detector or polygraph.  Wet hands or clothes can give away a liar.

10. Emotional responses

Unmask a liar by answering

Last but not least, you can also use the reaction and timing of the response to expose a liar. For example, if you ask something and the other person answers immediately. That can mean that he is not telling the truth. In this case the answer could have been rehearsed.

Therefore, be careful whether someone is constantly justifying himself or distracting himself from the topic with completely different answers. Perhaps the person you are speaking to repeats your questions before answering them. This gives him more time to think up a lie!

Also watch the body language and the other cues mentioned to expose liars! 

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