10 Tips For Beautiful Eyebrows

If you are not sure how to pluck your eyebrows in order to bring them into the perfect shape, you should go to a beauty salon.

10 tips for beautiful eyebrows

The care of the eyebrows is part of the beauty routine, because these  form the framework for an attractive, radiant look. Here we give you 10 tips for beautiful eyebrows.

Volume, color, and shape vary in every woman, but all of them can use different tricks to create perfect eyebrows.

Not only aesthetic aspects are important here,  the protective function  that the hairs over the eyes exercise to protect against the effects of harmful UV rays, dangerous substances or pathogens is also important.

If you follow the 10 tips for beautiful eyebrows step by step , you can look after them and at the same time ensure a radiant look. If this interests you, we encourage you to read on.

10 tips for beautiful eyebrows

1. Bring eyebrows into the right shape

Pluck eyebrows

The shape of the eyebrows is very different for the different face types. In general, these should start at the level of the base of the nose and then end parallel to the outer corner of the eye.

If it doesn’t, there are cosmetic products to fill the browbones so that the nose looks narrower and the look can be highlighted.

2. Too light eyebrows

In this case, the simplest solution is to dye the brows. This process lasts longer and is also more practical than putting make-up on your eyebrows every day.

However, this should be done by experts so that the eyebrows really look as desired afterwards.

To find the perfect color, you can try out different eyebrow makeup to see what looks best on you. Even if this takes a little longer, the result is worth it.

3. Don’t remove too much hair


Attention! Don’t pull out too many hairs, as this will look unsightly and unnatural. If you are not sure about plucking your eyebrows, you can achieve exactly the opposite effect.

Therefore, in this case, it is better to go to a beauty center.

4. In the case of scars or spots

There may also be spots or scars in the area of ​​the eyebrows. In these cases  , a good make-up technique is required to then reduce it.

Some also opt for a tattoo, because the permanent makeup lasts a long time and then there is no more work. The problem with this is that this does not work well for everyone and, moreover, the naturalness is lost.

Cosmetics are best used: compact powders, eyeliners, and eyebrow pencils, for example, can be very helpful.

5. Choose the appropriate tweezers

Using tweezers is the most popular way to shape the browbones. This allows them to be well defined and the hairs only grow back slowly.

Experts recommend tweezers with beveled, beveled tips, which are perfect for removing hairs, even if they are short, without pinching the skin.

6. Design of the eyebrows

Care for eyebrows

If you have little experience with depilating the hairs over the eyes, you can use a light-colored correction pen to draw a guide  on the face. Then you can stick to this line while plucking the hairs.

7. Comb the eyebrows

Many women have wonderful brows and do not need any special products to care for them or to get them into shape.

By brushing the hairs daily, they can be defined and “tamed”. You can accomplish this with an eyebrow brush and some spray.

8. Plucking your eyebrows after the shower

If you pluck your hair frequently, it is a good idea to do this after a hot shower. Because this opens the pores and so plucking is not so painful. It can also prevent irritation.

However, you shouldn’t pluck your eyebrows more than once a month.

9. Naturalness

Eyebrow make-up

Eyeshadow, eyeliners, eyebrow pencils, or other cosmetics can be very helpful in achieving the perfect shape of the brow. However, if you don’t know how to use them, you can do just the opposite.

A simple trick to make the brows look natural is to use a pencil or eyebrow powder that is slightly lighter than the eyebrows. The product can then be spread out with a brush to make it appear delicate and natural.

10. Fortifying products

Like eyelashes  , eyebrows need protection and nutrients to grow healthy and strong.

In the evening, don’t forget to remove the makeup and rub your brows with a little castor or coconut oil.

If you follow these 10 tips for beautiful eyebrows, you can achieve perfect eyebrows that accentuate your radiant look. Try it yourself!

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