10 Tips: Dream Weight Without Major Sacrifices

In many studies it has been confirmed that this can prevent cardiovascular diseases.

10 tips: dream weight without major sacrifices

The Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the healthiest diets, and the lifestyle that goes with it also leads to a better quality of life. Today we are giving you 10 tips to achieve your dream weight without making great sacrifices.

Mediterranean food to achieve your dream weight without major sacrifices

mediterranean diet

Why is the Mediterranean diet so good? Many studies have confirmed that it can prevent cardiovascular diseases .

The Mediterranean diet is versatile and adapts perfectly to the food pyramid. Olive oil, fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber, fish, mussels, seeds, antioxidants, vitamin C … and of course a healthy lifestyle.

The work is valued, walks in the sun are enjoyed and a lot of emphasis is placed on social relationships and positive emotions.

The secret of the Mediterranean cuisine lies in the quality and the composition: no sweets or finished products, but fresh home cooking  in a balanced amount and  an active life.

1. The importance of cereals and whole grain bread

Can you eat bread while on a diet? The answer is yes, wholemeal bread is best. However, industrial baked goods with white flour and high fat content should be avoided.

Bread made from oat flakes or rye is ideal, as it promotes digestion and at the same time supplies the body with vitamins and minerals. A slice of bread with olive oil for breakfast is a great way to start a new day.

2. Olive oil as the main fat in the diet

We have already talked about it. Olive oil forms the basis of the Mediterranean diet for a dream weight.

It is rich in vitamin E and monounsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health and lower cholesterol. A basic ingredient for all dishes and a gastronomic treasure with centuries of tradition.

3. Fruits that are rich in antioxidants


Oranges, lemons, apples, grapefruit, pomegranates, melons, grapes and watermelons … these fruits are perfect for breakfast, for salads or just in between. Fruit is healthy, it strengthens the body’s defenses, has a cleansing effect and also helps with weight loss if it is eaten daily.

Remember, the Mediterranean diet, like other diets,   recommends 5 servings of fruit per day. This is how you can get your dream weight.

4. Lots of fresh vegetables

Mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, onions, spinach, zucchini … They are delicious and perfect for cooking simple dishes, with olive oil of course. In the Mediterranean kitchen there are delicious salads, in which olives and nuts should not be missing.

As you know, it is healthier to eat vegetables raw whenever possible. Peppers, spinach, tomatoes, onions … these vegetables provide more digestive enzymes raw, which protect the stomach and intestines.

You can play with the colors and flavors and then make a different salad for lunch every day. In the evening, salads are less useful, as green leaf salads or spinach, for example, are not so easy to digest.

5. Nuts


Walnuts, almonds, pistachios, etc. are healthy and provide magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. They are a good addition to our breakfast and salads. Nuts are a staple in the Mediterranean diet.

6. Seasonal foods only

Juices should always be natural and never come from the supermarket. The Mediterranean diet demands a little more time in the kitchen, because everything is freshly prepared.

Ready meals from the supermarket should be avoided as much as possible. Rice, cooked vegetables, fresh fish and juices are only prepared with seasonal foods.

7. Fermented milk

Not all milk is not healthy for everyone. Yet fermented milk products such as kefier or various types of cheese contain beneficial living microorganisms. These ensure a healthy intestinal flora. 

8. Protein-rich but lean meat

Meat is allowed twice a week, preferably chicken or turkey. It’s best to eat lean white meat, not red.

9. Blue fish


Sardines, mackerel, tuna and salmon should be on the menu at least twice a week. These types of fish should not be missing in the Mediterranean diet, they contain valuable omega-3 fatty acids.

10. An active lifestyle helps you achieve your dream weight

Morning walks, going out to enjoy nature and the fresh air, a little exercise with a friend at sunset, drinking plenty of water, sun, social relationships … all of these will make your life better and your health too.

If you follow these dietary guidelines, you will lose weight too. Remember that Mediterranean dishes are not eaten in large quantities. Take the right amount for your meals and drink a glass of red wine or grape juice every now and then … that is also good for the heart.


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